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  • Writer's pictureDhwani Jain

Rakhi – a festival to celebrate sibling bond

Lets redefine the festival of sibling bond!

Lets celebrate this festival of love in a more equitable manner!

(Please listen to the video and share your views)

I am writing this article today with a hope that we may change the way we celebrate our festivals with changing times.

Traditionally, on this day, sisters tie rakhi on the wrists of their brothers to protect them against evil influences, and pray for their long life, success and happiness. While the brothers in turn, give a gift which is a promise that they will protect their sisters from any harm.

While I fully respect the sentiments behind this tradition, but I do feel uncomfortable in the way we celebrate it.

I would rather love to see the day when the festival of Rakhi becomes a symbol of eternal bond between siblings irrespective of the gender.

There is a growing trend where sisters tie rakhi to each other and promise to take care of each other.

So why not move a step further.

Let us start a new movement, where both brothers and sisters tie this thread of love to each other and promise to safeguard each other, to pray for each others success and prosperity.

We have spoken much about gender equality and feminism. But mere talking does not make any difference. We need to act.

When we tell our daughters to tie rakhi to a brother, to pray for his success and a brother to take care of his sister, do we not unintentionally promote gender based stereotypes and create gender based barriers?

I feel all talks of gender equality will remain hollow till we change our mindsets and actions.

I strongly believe in the power of words and actions.

And these subtle acts impact the young impressionable minds.

All of us know how our thoughts define our actions. But the opposite is equally true.

Our actions shape our thoughts. We start believing and internalising what we see and do. And therefore we must focus on our actions – our KARMA.

Let us become the agents of change!

Please share your views and opinions in comments.


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